Saturday 2 May 2020

There’s room for one more

After a crazy night out, as soon as I saw my bed I fell flat on my bed. As I was drifting of I noticed that I had my shoes on. I got up to take of my shoes off, as I was taking my shoes off I noticed my window open as I went over to close it I saw a black limo. As I looked closer I realised it looked like a funeral car. As I was trying to figure out what was going on of the men shouted up to me, “ there’s room for one more”. One side of me said why not, what could go wrong but the other side of me told me to stay home. I decided I’d stay home. I politely declined, closed my window and went to sleep.

After one week After finishing my shopping I decided it was time to go home. As I stood waiting for the list I remembered last weeks incident, for some reason it sent a shiver down my spine. As the lift doors slowly opened I stood there dumbstruck. The same man I saw in the car. She looked behind him to see the lift packed with people. She looked back at the man and with a smirk he said “there’s room for one”. Too shocked, I shook my head and stepped back. As the lift doors closed I saw him shrug.

I felt a little creeped but shrugged it off. After few seconds I heard a snap. After another few seconds I heard a crash.The lifts cables had snapped.

 No one survived.

Written By .
Mathan Rashwini
Age 14

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